Aalto Campus Day - Meet the Biotechnology Professors and Researchers
Welcome to the Aalto Campus Day hosted by IBC Finland! The event will take place at the Otaniemi Campus on Thursday 23rd January 2025.
The event is a unique chance meet the current Aalto University professors and researchers in biotechnology and synthetic biology, and to discover the frontier of research during the scientific presentation session. Participants will also hear from IBC Finland member companies and learn how biotechnology impacts their operations today. The Aalto Campus Day is an excellent opportunify for networking.
12:00 - 13:00 | Pre-Event Lunch (by invitation, pls. register)
13:00 | Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Juha-Pekka Pitkänen, Solar Foods and Paula Jouhten, Aalto University
13:10 | Introduction to Aalto University’s Recent Research Initiatives Kristiina Kruus, Dean, Aalto School of Chem. Eng.
13:30 | IBC Presentations
14:00 | Coffee Break and Networking
14:30 | Scientific Presentations by Aalto Professors and Researchers
- Assoc. Prof. Paula Jouhten: Microbial Physiology
- Asst. Prof. Rahul Mangayil: Bioprocess Engineering
- Prof. Markus Linder: Biomolecular Materials
15:15 | Discussions and Networking
15:35 | Scientific Presentations (cont.)
- Adj. Prof. Emma Master: Protein Technology
- Asst. Prof. Sesilja Aranko: Cell Engineering
16:20 | Future Directions and Closing Remarks
16:30 | Closing
The event is open for IBC Finland members, Aalto University students and Aalto Faculty only.
If you are interested in joining, but are not yet an IBC Finland member, please contact IBC Executive Officer Aila Maijanen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..