
The Austrian Research Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (ACIB) bundles the expertise of key researchers from seven Austrian universities in the multiple disciplines of industrial biotechnology and bioengineering, as well as attracting national and international biotechnological industry, and international renowned research institutions as integrated project partners.

The centre wants to be the preferred partner for precompetitive research in industrial biotechnology, focused on biocatalysis, enzymes and (pharmaceutical) protein production.

ACIB’s ambitious research programme includes development of new microbial and mammalian expression systems and concepts, extended innovative applications of biocatalysis, and understanding bioproduction on a molecular and genome wide basis.
Business Finland is a public operator that provides innovation financing and internationalization services, promotes the export of Finnish companies and the tourism industry, and attracts investments and venture capital to Finland. Business Finland promotes the development of innovations, research, new technologies, and business, and supports an effective innovation and experimentation environments, as well as the broad utilization of their results in business, working life, and society at large.
The Centre of Excellence for Biocatalysis, Biotransformations and Biocatalytic Manufacture (CoEBio3) is the UK’s organisation dedicated to providing a world-class scientific environment in which the necessary research and development can be carried out to create new biocatalyst-based processes to meet the changing needs of industry in the next 10-20 years. CoEBio3 trains graduate and postdoctoral scientists such that they possess the necessary combination of skills in chemistry, biology and engineering needed to support the challenges of the future in Industrial Biotechnology.

CLIC Innovation Ltd is a non-profit company with a mission to build and manage open innovation collaboration between companies, academia and other relevant stakeholder qroups in bioeconomy, energy and circular economy themes. CLIC creates additional value to the ecosystem partners by building, coordinating, and managing R&D&I projects to construct systemic solutions, which are beyond the resources of individual operators.

CLIC Innovation is owned by leading international companies and Finnish research organizations committed to create sustainable solutions for the world. CLIC contributes to developing a more favourable innovation environment in Finland and EU.


Finnish Bioindustries FIB is Finland's biotechnology industry association, established in 1997. It is a private, independent non-profit organisation. Finnish Bioindustries promotes national and international networking and information transfer between the different players in the field.

Member companies represent  all life science areas, from health care and functional food to biomaterials. Finnish Bioindustries participates in national and international technology programs, actively exploits finance systems and promotes technology transfer.

Synbio Powerhouse is an ecosystem of companies and research organisations currently working with synthetic biology. It is based in Finland but operates globally and aims to bring into fruition the massive business opportunities presented by this technology. The ecosystem consists of companies, scientists, students and innovators from a variety of disciplines, as well as investors and other stakeholders that share a passion for applying synthetic biology to build a more sustainable world.
TOULOUSE WHITE BIOTECHNOLOGY (TWB) is a pre-industrial demonstrator that designs and creates biological tools (enzymes, microorganisms, microbial consortia, etc.), thus opening new avenues for the production of chemical molecules (synthons), biopolymers, biomaterials and biofuels based on the use of renewable carbon.

IBC Finland ry
c/o Clic Innovation Ltd
Eteläranta 10, 5th floor
FI-00130 Helsinki

IBC Finland builds novel biotechnology solutions and products through project cooperation between companies and research institutes. We offer industry the opportunity to achieve sustainable processing and production of biobased products, chemicals, materials and fuels, from renewable raw materials using biotechnology.

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